Career & Internships

This is a section I’ve created to post resources and personal thoughts on help related to getting that job or internship.

Resume – I’ll start with my own personal resume. This is my resume that has evolved since my academic days and has grown with me over the years. This is not a one size fits all, but instead is just my own personal example. I’ve gotten many questions over time on what do I think about this or that resume, invariably I always end of referencing my resume on how I covered a particular item. So for that reason I’ll share mine on how and maybe you can get some ideas from it.

Portfolio – It is so incredibly important to maintain some kind of portfolio to demonstrate your capabilities as an engineer to prospective employers. This will do 2 things. First, it will allow you to capitalize on the conversation during an interview and give you the upper hand in discussing what you should know most about. After all, your projects were created by you and you should know more than anyone else about the topic. Here’s my suggestion, have a beautifully printed out document that you physically hand the interviewer with detailed pictures, captions, headers and details of your project. Warning: don’t just show a few pictures from your phone, no one wants to grab someone else’s dirty phone and view some pictures on an android gallery while you attempt to narrate and point at a 5inch screen with a relatively large finger. Your interviewer is not a 19yr old classmate, they are a respected professional attempting to make the best choice in filling a position at a company. Secondly, a portfolio gives you a chance to showcase your engineering interests and talents. Class projects and a good senior design project is a great place to start but should not be the only projects. This is a very competitive landscape and the interviewer is interested to see what else you have done outside of class with your free time. What other engineering projects and technologies have you learned about or worked on outside of class time just because you wanted to, this is where your creative freedom is to learn to grow.